Greetings. I'm a first time poster, new to the list, and thought this might be just the place to track down some info I've been unable to find on my own. In my preparations for a class I'll be teaching this semester - Teaching Television - I'm attempting to locate a copy of a short video whose title escapes me. Its a particularly well-known piece, one I've seen in a number of classroom contexts. In it a number of famous 1980's American television ads (one for McDonalds, one for Mars, one for a malt liquor company aimed towards working class black men, etc) are played, replayed, and paired with voiceovers of mock ad industry memos outlining the advertisers objectives, targeted audiences, desired aesthetics, etc. Ever heard of this one? Know anyone who might have? I think it would make a nice compliment to a unit on advertising I'm working on putting together. Any help or leads would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Max Dawson School of Media and Communications University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]