Please find below contents listing for the first issue of the new journal,
Comparative American Studies.
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Comparative American Studies

An International Journal

Volume 01 Issue 01 - Publication Date: 1 March 2003



US Americans and 'Us' Americans: South American perspectives on Comparative
American Studies
Sonia Torres Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Figuring the future in Los(t) Angeles
Hazel V. Carby  Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Globalization, spectral aesthetics and the global soul: Tracking some
'uncanny' paths to trans-Pacific globalization
Rob Wilson  University of California at Santa Cruz, USA

What is so bad about being rich? The representation of wealth in American
Winfried Fluck John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free
University, Berlin, Germany

'Who speaks for us?': Bharati Mukherjee's fiction and the politics of
Helena Grice University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK

Locating an American romantacism: 'Emerson, Cavell, 'Experience'
David Greenham Nottingham Trent University, UK


Taylor, Andrew, Henry Janes and the Father Question, reviewed by Gert

Muller, Eric, L., Free to Die for Their Country: The Story of the Japanese
American Draft Resisters in Worlf War II, reviewed by Terry Caesar

Duggan, Lisa, Sapphic Slashers: Sex, Violence, and American Modernity,
reviewed by Kate Fullbrook

Davis, Jane, The White Image in the Black Mind: A Study of African American
Literature, reviewed by Rachel van Duyvenbode

Kitch, Carolyn, The Girl on the Magazine Cover: The Origins of Visual
Stereotypes in American Mass Media, reviewed by Christine Bold

Clarke, Erskine, Wrestlin' Jacob: A Portrait of Religion in Antebellum
Georgia and the Carolina Low Country, reviewed by Bryan F. Le Beau

Pippin, Robert B., Henry James and Modern Moral Life, reviewed by Olga

Ziff, Larzer, Return Passages: Great American Travel Writings: 1780-1910,
reviewed by Pere Gifra-Adroher

Robbins, William G. and James C. Foster (eds), Land in the American West:
Private Claims and the Common Good, reviewed by Angela Schwarz

Peterson, Dale E., Up from Bondage: The Literatures of Russian and African
American Soul, reviewed by Miglena Todorova

Wallach, Rick (ed.), Myth, Legend, Dust: Critical Responses to Cornac
McCarthy, reviewed by Kate Fullbrook

Bonsall, Thomas E., More Than They Promised: The Studebacker Story, reviewed
by Jennifer Clark

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