The Motion Pictures and Television Reading Room at the Library of Congress is now open for live chat reference service. Along with ten other LC reading rooms, MP&T is open from 2pm to 3pm EST - every day, M-F. The Reading Room provides access and information services to an international community of film and television professionals, archivists, scholars and researchers. The chat service features text chat and URL sharing and is soon to add an enhanced communications package including Voice, Video and Application Sharing. The 11 LC reading rooms featuring chat from 2 to 3, M-F are: · Geography and Maps · Motion Pictures · Manuscripts · Recorded Sound · Science · Local History and Genealogy · American Memory · Business · Prints and Photographs · Humanities and Social Sciences · Serials and Government Publications Go to and click on any reading room. An email form will open up with a chat button on the right that connects to a live librarian. The enhanced communications package is a result of collaboration between LC, OCLC, and Convey Systems, developer of "On Demand" customer service software for the Internet. Patrick Timony QuestionPoint team Library of Congress ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama: