Apologies for cross-posting... New Deadline: August 2, 2002 CALL FOR PAPERS: Transparencies: Technology, Culture, Communication Friday November 1 and Saturday November 2, 2002 The Texas Union, University of Texas at Austin Keynote Speakers: Carolyn Marvin, Ph.D James W. Hay, Ph.D Frances Yates Professor of Communication Associate Professor of Cinema Studies The Annenberg School for Communication University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Transparencies, a graduate student conference at the University of Texas at Austin, is an invitation to explore implications of both historically significant and recently emergent technologies from a critical and cultural perspective. In the beginning of the 21st century, our constant interactions with technology have become nearly transparent and problematic in new ways. New forms of transnational and transcultural identity are supported by global flows of culture. Provincialism and isolationism emerge in different guises. Cultural critique and journalism take on new paths and responsibilities. Vital data flows and banal spam fill "superhighways" running alongside persistent social and digital divides. How do these elements interact, and how are they contingent on each other? How do technologies participate in these "transparencies" that help us negotiate the micro- and macro-conflicts and contradictions of everyday life? The conference is an opportunity for scholars in all disciplines engaged with technology and culture to come together and share their ideas on these and other topics. Possible topics include (but are not limited to): _ Communication technology and the formation of identity (gender, ethnicity, nation) _ Technologies on the border _ Media, technology, citizenship _ DIY Communication: Media sabotage and culture jamming _ Television and Radio's future and their past _ "Non-traditional" technologies of communication _ Popular music and technology _ Cinema as cultural technology _ Video games, computer games Deadline for Abstracts: Friday, August 2. Abstracts should be 300 words or less. Abstracts may be emailed, or mailed if postmarked no later than August 2. Electronic submissions encouraged. Participants will be notified of acceptance or rejection by August 16. Panel submissions cannot be considered. A draft of the conference program will be made available online. Complete papers must be submitted by the September 15, 2002. Papers submitted by the September 15 deadline will be eligible to compete for a "top paper" award of $500, sponsored by the Technology and Information Policy Institute. For more information or for paper submission, please contact Transparencies Coordinating Committee Department of Radio-Television-Film The University of Texas at Austin CMA 6.118 Austin, TX 78712 Email: [log in to unmask] Website: http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~transpar/ Sponsored by the Department of Radio-Television-Film, Technology and Information Policy Institute, and Graduate Students in Radio-Television-Film. ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite http://www.tcf.ua.edu/ScreenSite