"It is also colossally stupid and short-sighted.  Imbecilic and
offensive.  Cowardly and submissive."

I have to agree with you Shari. This oversensitive political correctness
has gone far beyond the bounds of sanity. They're so afraid someone's
going to be upset seeing the towers in amovie or a TV show, but as you
say, the people in NY aren't upset. What happened, happened. Removing
all traces of the towers won't make it go away, nor will it, I think,
make it worse for anyone. The only people who are bothered by inages of
the towers seem to be people who don't live in NY and haven't ever seen
the towers in person anyway, so, in my opinion, it's none of their damn
business. The authorities say we should go on with our lives, but show
business types seem to be hung up on releasing politically correct
material and postponing or cancelling anything that might deal with
terrorism, explosions. airplanes or the towers. Maybe I'm crazy, but it
seems to me that behavior of this kind does a grave disservice to the
people who lost their lives in the towers.

"Clearly, he was the victim of some diabolical method of mind control"
Vincent Price in THE RAVEN
"Approved by Saint Isadore, patron saint of the internet"
coming soon

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