I would like some help and clarification on the issue of showing clips
from films. We currently teach a large section film  class that has both
in-class students, cable television students, and even students who can
access the class via satellite via the Dish Network. In the past we have
always worked off the MPLC list in selecting films clips to show,
however, the MPLC list has shrunk to the point that it severely limits
what we can show in class.

What are our legal options and obligations?  Is anyone aware of a rule
that states that you can show non copyrighted material as long as it
less than 10% of the entire film? Your help, advice and experiences in
dealing with this issue are most appreciated.

Kurt Billmeyer
School of Communication - Northern Arizona University
P.O. Box 5619
Flagstaff, AZ. 86011-5619
Office Phone: (520) 523-2535
Fax: (520) 523-1505
Home Page: http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~kcb3/

Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite