> > While it's important to introduce students to "the
> classics" in a film
> > *history* class, in a intro to film class
> different issues are often at
> > center stage.  For my money, it's much more
> effective to use a James
> > Cameron film as an example of a long take than
> "Magnificent Ambersons", at
> > least to a group of restless freshmen....

I am currently taking an intro. course to film
studies, and have been actually shown a fragment from
"Magnificent Ambersons" (the opening sequence). If the
opinion of a student counts, I didn't find it at all
detached from me. If the film exemplifies well what
the prof. wants to exemplify, welcome be the classics,
and in this case I think it did (it was an example of
how different narrating voices are put together in a
sequence to provide the relevant information for the
story that's going to be told).

Silvia Fernandez.
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