Please post this to Screen-L. Thanks, Stacy Zellmann Direct Marketing Coordinator University of Minnesota Press 111 Third Avenue South, Suite 290 Minneapolis, MN 55401-2520 612-627-1934 ____________________________________________________________________________ The University of Minnesota Press is proud to announce its latest book: Framed Lesbians, Feminists, and Media Culture by Judith Mayne In Framed a respected critic whose reach extends from film, literature, and feminism to the culture at large offers a sustained exploration of feminist approaches to film and mass culture. The author focuses on the contradictory impulses that characterize feminism, from examinations of how the classical Hollywood cinema has objectified the female body, to inquiries into the surprising sexual politics that often characterize "alternative" films. ³First-rate scholar Judith Mayne is that rare prolific author who never lets us down. This new collection makes for a provocative and lively, but always well grounded, read.² ‹‹B. Ruby Rich $18.95 Paperback ISBN 0-8166-3457-2 $47.95 Hardcover ISBN 0-8166-3456-4 256 Pages € 23 black-and-white photos € 5-7/8 x 9 € Available in bookstores or by calling 1-800-621-2736. For more information, visit the book's webpage: ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite