CFP -- Film & History

The Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association/American Culture
Association invites panels and individual panels examining aspects of FIlm
and History for its annual conference to be held March 7-10, 2001, at the
Sheraton Oldtown Hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Possible Areas for consideration include, but are not limited to:

The Western
The Cold War film
The Presidency on Film
"The Patriot" and other film depictions of the American Revolution
The Civil War on Film
The Western Hero
The Outlaw
Native-American Portrayals
The Mexican-U.S. War in Film
Film Portrayals of the Spanish-American War
The Southwest in Film
Billy the Kid
Filmmaking in the West, esp. New Mexico

Examples of the kind of papers we seek can be found in the pages
of Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television
Studies.  (See the web site at

For details on the conference, to include registration information,
see the Southwest/Texas PCA/ACA web site:

Please send proposals for panels and ikndividual papers (include a 100 word
abstract and a one-page cv) by November 1, 2000, to the Area Chair:

James Yates
Department of English
Box 242
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Alva, OK 73717
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