Suggested Letterboxes:

> >I would have trouble listing 10 films, made in the last 20 years, >that truly maximise the wide-screen format.
> This sounds like the call for a new thread.  Limiting this to American movies (not out of chauvinism but because many if not most Hong Kong films use a lot of widescreen space and are nearly always letterboxed on video; pretty much the same for Indian films), off the top of my head:
> Kundun
> Rushmore
> Underneath
> The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
> Very Bad Things (only 1.85 but really uses that space)
> Face/Off
> The Hunt for Red October
> Mars Attacks

If my memory weren't fading, I know I could add others, but one does
come immediately to mind: THE WINGS OF THE DOVE (especially for the
scenes on the canals of Venice).

Don Larsson

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