Ken Mogg quotes:

> 'All of the VistaVision films, from TO CATCH A THIEF to NORTH BY NORTHWEST,
> have a recommended aspect ratio of 1.85:1.  PSYCHO's screen shape is
> controversial.  Officially, its "theatrical ratio" is 1.85:1, but Gus Van Sant,
> for one, remembers the original cans were labelled 1.75:1.  All of Hitchcock's
> films after PSYCHO carry an official aspect ratio of 1.85:1.'

For what it's worth, PSYCHO is the one film of the "major phase" of
Hitchcock's American films in the 1950s-early 1960s that was not
photographed by Robert Burks.

I've noted before that the VistaVision process can yield interesting
results when you are screening in different media.  The videotape
version (and 16 mm. version) I've shown are in full-screen format and
allow you to see the tops of the cylcoramas and studio lights in some
of the outdoor scenes, especially those near Mt. Rushmore, as well as
the cutaway tops of the taxicabs and cars in NY.

Don Larsson

Donald Larsson
Minnesota State U, Mankato
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