Hi,  A friend just told me about an episode of "Angel" where he became
fully human but finally decided to change back with the catch that the
story went back to the beginning and only Angel remembered what had
happened in this alternate reality that he rejected.  This concept sounds
very very familiar to me but I'm having trouble placing it.  Anybody know
of a similar film/TV episode/book?  Here's the best I can come up with so far:

* episode of "Buffy" where she never comes to Sunnydale; the main
difference being that I don't think anybody makes a decision to change it
and then remembers the alternative

* "Yesterday's Enterprise" ep of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" where
contrary to the show's premise the Federation is still at war with the
Klingons when the previous ship with the name Enterprise arrives through a
time slip and Picard must decide whether to send it back to certain
destruction (unknown to him in this alternate reality, it's the earlier
Enterprise's doomed attempt to save a helpless Klingon outpost that had
resulted in twenty years of peace).  The difference is that Picard makes
his decision without knowing the full implications (he's acting on his
trust in Guinan) and except possibly for Guinan nobody remembers the
alternate time.

*  possibly "Groundhog Day" and "12 Monkeys"

*  "X-Files" ep where Mulder keeps getting killed over and over; again
difference is that nobody makes a conscious choice and nobody remembers


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