The University of Iowa Obermann Center for Advanced Studies announces Obermann Fellowships for the Summer 2000 Research Seminar --------------------------------------------------------- The Usable Past Historical Perspectives on Digital Culture ------------------------------------------- This interdisciplinary research seminar will address issues of digital culture by examining histories of the social integration of previous new technologies and linking them to present conditions. Precedents for our own digital concerns might be found in technologies as recent as 30 or 100 years ago or as distant as the Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment, the invention of movable type and the Renaissance, or the invention of paper and Classical Antiquity. A distinctive focus on four inter-related fields of knowledge will provide important touchstones: (1) audio-visual cultures' challenges or resistance to print, (2) cultures and politics of new information technologies, (3) perception and human experience, (4) the metaphysics of appearances and artifice. By focusing on historical models, each seminar participant will be able to contribute reflections on technology, ideology, and culture - past and present. Scholars from all fields - history, English, American studies, communication studies, political science, art and architecture history, cinema and media studies, sociology, philosophy, business, engineering, the sciences - are invited to apply. - Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or comparable professional degree. - Applicants should be ready to produce original, previously unpublished work for publication in a volume and to participate in lively, fast-paced sessions on readings, individual papers, visitors' lectures, and special events. - Participants will be chosen in part to provide sufficient range for a published collection of essays. Some fellowships are reserved for University of Iowa scholars. Director: Lauren Rabinovitz, Professor, American Studies and Film Studies. Time: June 12-29, 2000. Place: The University of Iowa Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, Iowa City, Iowa. Fellowships: Ten fellows to be selected. $2,700 stipends, plus $500 for travel/housing expenses for visitors. Services: Offices, personal computers, internet access, library service, technical support, copying, meeting rooms. Objectives: Discussion of readings, submitted papers, and presentations by keynote speakers. Revision of the papers for a published book. Deadline: January 26, 2000, including CV and a paper or prospectus. Notification by late February. Funded by the C. Esco and Avalon L. Obermann Fund and by the Office of the Vice President for Research. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Usable Past Historical Perspectives on Digital Culture ------------------------------------------------- Fellowship Application Guidelines and Cover Sheet ------------------------------------------------- Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________________________ Department: _______________________________________________________________ Institution: ______________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________ (office) ______________ (home) _______________ (FAX) e-mail: ___________________________________________________________________ PLEASE ATTACH A ONE PARAGRAPH ABSTRACT TO THIS SHEET ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *** GUIDELINES *** All applications must contain: 1. Three collated copies of the following: * This application cover sheet and one-paragraph project abstract - A letter (maximum 2 pages) which explains how your proposed seminar project -- relates to your on-going work and -- will be enhanced by the interdisciplinary seminar * A draft of the essay you would present in the seminar (maximum 35 pages) or a detailed prospectus of the essay or project you would prepare for the seminar * Your curriculum vitae (maximum 3 pages) 2. One copy of a completed project: a published journal article, book chapter, slides, video, CD-ROM, as appropriate. Applications should be received at the Obermann Center on or before ********** Wednesday, January 26, 2000 *********** Please do not apply by e-mail or FAX. Such applications will not be considered. Address applications and inquiries to: Jay Semel, Director ([log in to unmask]) Obermann Center for Advanced Studies N134 Oakdale Hall The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242-5000 ---- To sign off Screen-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF Screen-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]