*** apologies for cross-postings *** Greetings, colleagues. I have just been appointed the book review editor for the _Journal of Popular Film and Television_, and I need your help. I am looking for people to write reviews of scholarly, biographical, or reference books published within the last two or three years that examine any aspect of mainstream cinema or television. Reviews are typically in the 750-1,000 word range. If this is something that interests you, I would like to include you in my pool of potential book reviewers for this journal. Please e-mail the following information to me off-list at [log in to unmask] (please do NOT use the "reply" function of your e-mail program), or send it to my postal address listed in the signature file at the end of this message, or fax it to me at (413) 545-6399 as soon as possible: NAME: INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION (if any): POSTAL ADDRESS: E-MAIL ADDRESS: OFFICE PHONE (including area code): HOME PHONE " " " : FAX " " " : AREAS OF INTEREST AND EXPERTISE: For this last item, I am seeking information that will help me direct the books to the most appropriate reviewers. Please list anything that you think would be helpful: educational background, recent publications and conference papers, teaching interests, favorite filmmakers and genres, etc. Please be brief. If you already have one or more books in mind that you'd like to review, or if you yourself have recently published a book that would be of interest to the _JPFT_ readership, please let me know this information as well. Feel free to share this reviewer call with others. If you would like more information about the journal or the foundation that underwrites it, please visit the following website: www.heldref.org/jpft I hope to hear from you soon! best wishes, Marty Norden --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin F. Norden OO Dept. of Communication, Box 34815 [log in to unmask] [_]<| University of Massachusetts-Amherst fax: 413 545-6399 /|\ Amherst, MA 01003-4815 USA vox: 413 545-0598, 545-1311 home page: http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~norden --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite http://www.tcf.ua.edu/screensite