Lucy Holman requests: > I'm somewhat of a neophyte in this area and would like some help. Can > anyone recommend 2-3 journals that offer film criticism and commentary? > > thanks Lucy, It depends on what you're looking for. You can find interesting mainstream commentary (often on non-mainstream films) by various reviewers (Jay Hoberman in the Village Voice) and others. Then there are mainstream film journals aimed at a fairly wide audience--FILM COMMENT and the British SIGHT AND SOUND among them. More academic commentary (and scholarship) can be found in a wide range of diverse journals--CINEMA JOURNAL (published by Society for Cinema Studies), WIDE ANGLE, FILM QUARTERLY all publish interesting and usually accessible work. THE VELVET LIGHT TRAP is published by graduate students and is often lively and engaging. For feminist analysis, see CAMERA OBSCURA. For other politically-edged commentary, see JUMP CUT and CINEASTE, among others. Finally, check out the ScreenSite website for further leads. I hope these are useful for a starting place. Don Larsson ---------------------- Donald Larsson, Mankato State U (MN) [log in to unmask] ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama.