Hi, I AM LOOKING kor a tape of a film made in the seventees. At the first time, I thought that film was "Behind the convent walls", by Valerian Browcszyk (Spl?), because the subject (erotic life inside a convent) was kind of the same. But when I reviewed the Borowczyk's tape, I realised that it was not the movie I was looking for. It could be that Borowczyk did a different version (a second one, maybe?) of the same film, with more erotic scenes? Maybe the movie I am looking for was made based on the B. film, or it took the title of the B. film to take advance of its "success"?. The curious thing It is that in Spain the film was screened with the title "Interior de un convento", with matches exactly the B. movie. I cannot give too many details about the movie. I saw it once at the Spannish Public TV (Television Espanola), during the 80's. It is not an X rated movie. Well, maybe it is X-rated in the US, but not in Spain. Anyway, it is not a porno movie at all. I will say it is an erotic movie about life inside a convent. Most of the scenes are about the erotic life of the sisters, but there are a couple of scenes that happen outside the convent, in a forest, when one of the sisters tries to scape from the convent and she is assalted by some thieves. I would appreciate any information about the title or any data about this film. THanks in advance ;-) Ruben Garcia-Loureda Diaz [log in to unmask] ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite http://www.tcf.ua.edu/screensite