Dear Dr. Butler I went up to your office becuase I want to ask one thing. A few minute ago, I realized a hard-drive was missing. The disappeared one are suppposed to be at the second row of the right side. I don't know whether that old hard-drive is stolen, or somebody took that one for repairing without notice. If someone steal computer hard drive, he/she probably took a new one without pulling out the screws for protection. Anyway if you have any idea, please let me know. For reference, yesterday when I came to lab at 9 a.m for work, the door was unlock. At that time, I looked around computer lab. I did not catch any suspicious things. After you check this message, please e-mail me asap. I'm worry about this situation. Regards, Hong-Sik ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama.