Forwarded by Jeremy Butler, for more information, contact [log in to unmask] >Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 01:17:08 -0500 (EST) >From: [log in to unmask] > >FOR LISTINGS: PLEASE LIST OR POST FOR ALL WRITERS. THANK YOU. ATTACHED IS >APPLICATION FORM. > >Laughing Horse Productions has extended its screenplay contest deadline to >FEBRUARY 28, 1997. Cash prize of $500 for best entry; possible option and >professional reading. Entry fee is $30. > >Laughing Horse Productions is an offshoot of Laughing Horse Films in Seattle >which is currently producing a film directed by Martin Sheen, featuring >Martin and George C. Scott, entitled THE ACTOR. THE ACTOR was written by >Jason Miller, Pulitzer Prizer Winner (THAT CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON). LHFilms is >also producing a film featuring Shelley Berman, Howard Morris, Pat >Harrington, Bert Remsen, Harvey Korman, Tim Conway and other veteran >comedians. This film is to promote The Pacific Northwest, encourage local >filmmaking and will receive wide distribution. It is being co-produced with >Sam Denoff and cowritten by Hank Bradford (MASH). > >*************************************************************************** *** >******************** >Laughing Horse Productions (LHP) is a nonprofit service organization designed >to assist filmmakers and videographers with their production needs through >referral services, technical assistance and consulting. LHP offers funding >resource information for screenwriters, producers, directors, and film >artists involved in shorts, feature films, and documentaries. Through our >annual screenplay contest, we will provide the winner's name to producers and >directors in Los Angeles, New York and Seattle. LHP will publish a quarterly >Log Book with synopsis of submitted scripts. Our Log Book will go to major >agents, producers and directors. > >GUIDELINES >1) Open to all writers; 2) ONLY non-optioned, non-produced, feature-length >screenplays will be accepted; 3) All screenplays must be in standard >screenplay format; 4) Screenplays cannot be more than 120 pages long; 5) Each >screenplay must be accompanied by a one-page synopsis; 6) All screenplays >must have a copyright or be registered with the WGA; 7) All screenplays must >be postmarked by FEBRUARY 28, 1997; 8) Each screenplay must be sent with a >non-refundable $30 entry fee. 9) Application and Release Form must be sent >with each screenplay. > >AWARDS >All winners will be featured in our quarterly newsletter and other >promotional materials. > >FIRST PRIZE: $500 dollars, a possible option, a professional reading, and >the synopsis will be included in our Log Book. >SECOND PRIZE: Professional reading and the synopsis will be included in our >Log Book >THIRD PRIZE: Ten screenplays will be selected as finalists and their synopsis >will automatically be included in our Log Book. > >All winning writers who sent in $10 for their synopsis to be included in the >Log Book will receive a refund. > >Laughing Horse Productions will soon have a Web Site on the internet with >Laughing Horse Films (a commercial filmmaking company). The winners' names >and synopsis will be posted on the Web Site. > >SELECTION AND JUDGING >Judges will be film professionals from Los Angeles and Seattle. The judges >will not see the names of the writers on the screenplays or synopsis, so all >judging will be completely objective. Notification will go out by March 30, >1997. WINNERS will be notified by phone and other submissions will receive a >letter. > >If you'd like a PROFESSIONAL CRITIQUE of your screenplay, please include $25 >per screenplay and we will send you a critique by April 15th, 1997. > > > PLEASE MAIL ALL SUBMISSIONS TO: > > Laughing Horse Productions > 7777 - 10th AVE. SW > Seattle, WA 98106 >7777 - 10TH AVE SW, SEATTLE, WA 98106; (206) 762-5525 Fax: (206) 762-5525 > > >1997 LAUGHING HORSE PRODUCTIONS SCREENPLAY CONTEST > >NAME: > Last First Middle Initial > >ADDRESS: > Street Apartment Number City State Zip > >PHONE: ( ) FAX: ( ) S S NUMBER: > >PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >TITLE OF SCREENPLAY: NUMBER OF PAGES: > >GENRE: ACTION ______________ COMEDY ______________ DRAMA ______________ > THRILLER _____________ > HORROR _____________ SCI-FI _______________ NON-FICTION > _____________ OTHER _____________ > > > >WHERE DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS CONTEST? > > > >WOULD YOU LIKE A PROFESSIONAL CRITIQUE? IF SO, ENCLOSE $25 > >WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE INCLUDED IN OUR LOG BOOK: IF SO, ENCLOSE $10 > > >IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR MATERIAL RETURNED, PLEASE ENCLOSE A SELF-ADDRESSED >STAMPED ENVELOPE. OTHERWISE, ALL SCREENPLAYS WILL BE DESTROYED. > >I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE GUIDLINES AS DESCRIBED. I HAVE ENCLOSED MY >NON-REFUNDABLE $30 _______ TO SUBMIT THE ABOVE TITLED SCREENPLAY. IN >ADDITION, I HAVE ENCLOSED $25________ FOR A PROFESSIONAL CRITIQUE AND $10 >________ TO BE INCLUDED IN LAUGHING HORSE PRODUCTION'S LOG BOOK. > >SIGNATURE: > >Make checks payable to: LAUGHING HORSE PRODUCTIONS > >Laughing Horse Productions Screenplay Contest > >RELEASE FORM > > DATE: > >To Whom It Concerns: > >I am submitting to you herewith the following described material, ideas, >screenplay or creative work entitled: > > >I recognize that the material may be identical with, similar to, or >competitive with material that has or may come to you from other sources. > You may write, produce, or direct material identical, similar to, or >competitive with the material. By signing this Agreement, you have informed >me that you will not examine or consider my material unless you obtain >complete protection against the possibility of any claim with respect >thereto. > >I am not waiving, and this Agreement will not limit, my copyright of the >Material. I understand that you may use in any fashion a) any matter which >is developed by you or your employees or which is otherwise made available to >you and which contain elements or content which are similar to protectable >literary property contained in the Material, and/or b) any elements or >aspects of or matter contained in this Material that is not original, new, >unique, concrete, and novel and/or which is in the public domain. I will not >sue you or bring any action or proceeding against you if you use any such >matter, nor for your failure to compensate me for your use of the Material if >you have not agreed in writing to do so, and you are entitled to an >injunction or other equitable remedy, if such a suit, action, or proceeding >is brought against our company, Laughing Horse Productions. I will not at >any time assert any claim that you, or your office, agents or employees have >unlawfully or improperly used my Material. Accordingly, I hereby release >you, your officers, agents and employees from any and all liability in >connection herewith. > >I have retained at least one copy of said Material, and hereby release you of >and from any and all liability for loss of, damage to, the copies of said >Material submitted to you. > >You have no obligation to me (including any obligation to compensate or make >payments to me, unless you expressly agree to do so), except for those >expressly stated in this Agreement. > >I hereby state that a) the Material was created and is owned free and clear >of all other interests only by m; and b) I have full right to submit the >Material to you and to comply with this Agreement. I will fully reimburse if >you incur any losses, damages, or expenses (including lawyers' fees) if any >or all of the statements made by me in this Release Form are not true. I >represent and warrant to you that the Material does not contravene the rights >of any persons and that I own or control it and that no one else has any >rights to it. > >If either you or I transfer, assign, or license any rights under this >Agreement, the person making the transfer, assignment, or license will still >be responsible for performing his/her obligation under this Agreement. > >I have read this Agreement Release Form and have received a copy of, and >understand, this Agreement. You have made no representation, oral or >written, of any kind to me. This Agreement states our entire Agreement. > >You, as the writer, is not obligated to enter into further agreements >regarding this material until a formal written agreement is signed by both >parties regarding the enclosed submitted Material. > >Signature: > >Print Name: > >Address: > >Phone: > >Laughing Horse Productions >7777 - 10TH AVE SW, SEATTLE, WA 98106; (206) 762-5525 > > > > > > ---- Jeremy Butler [log in to unmask] ScreenSite Telecommunication & Film/University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]