Forwarded by Jeremy Butler, for more information, contact Dan Harries, Director, Online Media (213) 856-7630 [log in to unmask] ______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________ Subject: AFI OnLine's Preservation Site Author: [log in to unmask] (Sheryl Farber) Date: 11/25/96 11:57 AM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE American Film Institute's Preservation Web Site Launched The American Film Institute is pleased to announce the launch of a new film and video preservation section on its ever-growing and award-winning Web site, AFI OnLine. The AFI Preservation Site <> contains a substantial amount of educational materials relating to the preservation efforts of the AFI and other institutions to save our moving image heritage. In addition to reading profiles of the National Center for Film and Video Preservation (NCFVP), the National Moving Image Database (NAMID), the Film Foundation (headed by Martin Scorsese), the AFI Catalog of Feature Films, and the AFI Collection at the Library of Congress, Web surfers can also discover why America's films and videos are disappearing, watch movie clips illustrating film deterioration and restoration, get tips on careers in moving image preservation, and link to over 100 international film archives and institutions. The site's launch also marks the debut of the new AFI Digital Archive. Currently, this quickly growing archive houses digital film clips and information on the recent history-making restoration of America's oldest surviving feature film, RICHARD III, and PECULIAR PATIENTS' PRANKS, an early Harold Lloyd short previously believed to be lost. The American Film Institute is dedicated to advancing and preserving the art of film, television and other forms of the moving image. AFI's programs promote innovation and excellence through teaching, presenting, preserving and redefining the moving image. Contact: Dan Harries, Director, Online Media (213) 856-7630 [log in to unmask] ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]