On Wed, 30 Oct 1996 14:29:58 -0500 Auden Ledahl said: >'Some Like it Hot' >'Bringing Up Baby' (Gable in the slippers & bathrobe) >Charlie Chaplin's 'City Lights' (Tramp's feminine behavior in boxing hall) >'La Cage..' >'To Wong Fu..' > > Can any of you suggest other film comedy titles that either feature or >touch on transgenderism, role reversal, or simple crossdressing? Keeping in >mind that transsexuality/genderism isn't necessarily gay; would queer theory >explore trans issues, or is it primarily concerned with homosexuality? There are lots of films that feature cross-dressing. Off the top of my head: PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT GLEN OR GLENDA Q&A (Actually there are probably lots of cop films that have male hookers or transvestites--usually intended to be either comic or pathetic). PSYCHO SILENCE OF THE LAMBS (Mostly suggested rather than shown, except for the mirror scene when Bill tucks his hoohah between his legs) NUNS ON THE RUN anything Divine appeared in. Ditto RuPaul. THE ASSOCIATE (the new Whoopi Goldberg film) JUST ONE OF THE BOYS THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW This list could go on and on. There's enough for several books (I'm sure a few have already been written). A good place to start is Vito Russo's groundbreaking work, THE CELLULOID CLOSET. And it was Cary Grant in BRINGING UP BABY. Chris Pyle University of Ky. ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]