Forwarded by Jeremy Butler, for information contact Michael Carr <[log in to unmask]> ______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________ Subject: Telluride Independent Film & Screenwriters Festival (TIFSF) Author: Michael Carr <[log in to unmask]> Date: 10/4/96 8:10 PM ANNOUNCEMENT: TIFSF The Telluride Independent Film & Screenwriters Festival (TIFSF) is now accepting entries for the January 31 - February 2, 1997 event. Screenplay entries must be registered with the WGA (and/or copyright), and no more than 120 pages, please. Film and video entries must be on 1/2" VHS. Entry fee: $30.00 US per entry Deadline: November 1, 1996 There are several interesting workshops already planned, which include: 1) How to Make 'Small-Budget' Independent Films 2) Financing Indie Films 3) Distribution for Indie Films 4) How to Get Your Screenplay Through the 'Hollywood Maze' 5) How to Get An Agent 6) Ideas on the Future of Independent Filmaking & Screenwriting As well, the TIFSF will be 'cybercast' over the Net's WWW, providing 'interactivity' around-the-globe, throughout the festival! For more details, entry forms and tickets information, please visit the festival's web site at: This festival is Non-Competitive, and is designed to be an entertaining 'viewing festival' and 'informative seminar', as well. In Telluride - "the most beautiful place you'll ever ski..." Michael Carr Festival Director [log in to unmask] ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]