Here is something that I have seen on other mailing lists that I thought I might suggest for this one. When a person posts a fact based question, they include a request to "respond to me personally, and I will compile all the responses and post them back to the list". Now I think that this approach would not be appropriate in all cases. A topic like my "Lion King" benefited from interested people being able to read everybody's comments right away and respond promptly. However, I am sure that when I posed the question "who works in magazine cut-out animation", most listers had no interest in the topic, and thus had to spend time deleting all the responses I got. If I had compiled all my responses into one document and sent it back to the list then those who were interested got all the information in one package, and those who didn't would have saved time deleting one message instead of 10. I realize that deleting a single message only takes a few seconds, but it does all add up. I usually only have 20 minutes a day to devote to all my e-mail (including friends and family!) so would personally appreciate this, or any other way we could come up with to save time. Best regards Simone Fary ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]