Bert, Thanks for the list. The students who don't think the film has much to say have not learned to look for patterns as more significant than linear themes. They are waiting for events to be developed, often waiting for the entertainment, and haven't learned a participatory habit of viewing a film wherein "they" generate the meaning depending on the patterns they discover, rather than having it clearly explained to them, Hollywood style. Teaching them to look for patterns, even if they couldn't see them in this film, might be the most valuable habit they could acquire in a class. Of course I am prejudiced towards Proust and Chaos Theory! All the best, Emily ! EZ DIGITAL DESIGN, LTD., Emily Zants, Pres. ! P.O. Box 8936, Santa Fe, NM 87504 ! Tel.: (505) 992-8220; FAX: (505) 992-8525 ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]