Richard Leskosky recalls: "Many thanks for the clarification/correction, Don. At the beginning, as I now recall, we see photos on the wall and in a magazine of a car race and crash which James Stewart's character took and which presumably explain his being in a cast. Later, of course, he observes the goings-on in the apartment across the way through various lenses, but no darkroom work." The entire shot showing these elements neatly (and silently) establishes that a) Jeff's a photographer; b) he leads an exciting, dangerous life; and c) he probably broke his leg on one of these assignments. The most interesting object, though, is his picture of Lisa. We see her on the cover of a magazine resembling the old LIFE but her *negative* is in a frame. That seems to suggest, first, that the negative is the one *unique* object that the photographer can call his own (Walter Benjamin, please call home!) and, second, the possibility that Jeff harbors literally "negative" feelings about Lisa or their relationship. It's one of Hitchcock's most thorougly typical bits of using setting--and one of his neatest. Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN) ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]