>On this issue of Disney and racism, I don't know whether this has been >mentioned already as I scrapped a stack of unread messages a few days ago >due to clogging on >my machine, but in a recent issue of Jump Cut the Lion King was examined in >exactly these terms in a fairly lengthy a pretty good article. This might be a good point to mention that John Hess is developing a Jump Cut Web site and it's stored on SCREENsite. I believe the address (off the top of my head) is: http://www.sa.ua.edu/JumpCut/ and, if not, you can definitely find it through SCREENsite's main address: http://www.sa.ua.edu/SCREENsite/ Regards, ---- Jeremy Butler mailto:[log in to unmask] SCREENsite: http://www.sa.ua.edu/SCREENsite/ Telecommunication & Film/University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]