Oh my God. I wasn't trashing unions in my response. I come from a union family - my sister and I even unionized our family and struck our mom and pop management. I only meant to indicate that the job was defined into existence by a union (nobody but the greensman could touch the greenery and the greensman was not allowed to touch anything else). Given the number of unemployed technical and craftspeople in Hollywood (of whom my older son is one), I'm all in favor of union defined slots that pay enough to allow them a decent standard of living in between jobs. OK? Or do I have to sing the "Internationale"? Joel Snyder Department of Art History University of Chicago 5540 S. Greenwood Avenue Chicago, IL 60637 312-702-0278 312-702-5901 (fax) ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]