On Tue, 30 Jul 1996, Molly Olsen wrote: > Xyvind Staalen <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > >Define porn. > > Ulf Dalquist wrote: > >Sorry, I'm not sure I can. But unless Norway has abandoned the censorship on > >pornography, I reckon the censors can. Again: Do you still have a ban on > "images > >showing certain sexual elements"? > > Xyvind, it looks like the question is: How does Norway define porn, or define > what it doesn't want the public to see? Or are there no restrictions at all? I'm afraid part of this thread seems to have escalated into a debate on porn. That was never my intention. Porn to me is images and texts designed to get people sexually aroused, and nothing more. Many would claim that porn is a bad thing, and others the opposite. Anyways, it's not my intention to say *anything* about porn right now. I have mentioned this before, but I feel an urge to repeat myself. It is wrong, wrong, wrong to put sex next to violence. Some people find explicit images of sex annoying, but do anyone really believe that the sight of a breast or a penis could have consequences compared to what many of you believe to be the case with violence? In case anyone wonders: It's illegal to distribute pictures of an erect penis in Norway. But that's just about it. In many movies, particularly in the seventies and early eighties, nakedness is quite usual though. Still, Norway has not turned into a giant sex club. I believe that it's impossible to predict the influence of a movie in advance. The human brain is to complicated to predict. It would take a much bigger brain to figure out the one we have. I guess it's some kind of a catch 22, right? It would certainly be swell to be able to design movies that would make criminals non-criminals, and lunatics sain. But let's agree that the most important thing is to make *good* movies, movies that makes it worthwhile to go visit the silver screen. After all, you can't do much wrong those 100 minutes you spend in the theatre! Xyvind Staalen University of Trondheim, Norway. ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]