From: John DuQuette REEL TRADING 1 800 575 REEL pager: 860 948 3821 REEL continues to offer Bolex maintenance, overhauls, and repairs. Our technician is, I guarantee you, one of the best techs in the country. He is formerly with Swiss Camera and Optics and also formerly with premier special effects house R/Greeberg. A DP in his own right, you'll be hard pressed to find work equal to his, be it behind the lens or over a jewelers screw driver and a can of compressed air. OVERHAUL OF ANY BOLEX Camera: Check and Adjust Tolerances Calibrate all inner workings Replace anything worn, broken, or "about to go" Clean Thoroughly Proper Lubrication Calibrate and Adjust Film Transport Assembly for proper loop, auto-load and film transport. Lenses: Calibrate Flange Depths Calibrate Lenses Replace and Adjust Rings as Necessary Price: $340.00 plus parts $25 return shipping, insured BOLEX REPAIRS beyond overhaul: FREE ESTIMATES, fair pricing Send us your camera with appropriate check or money order (be sure to pack well and insure) to: REEL TRADING TECHNICAL SERVICES Attn: Luke Geissbuhler 12 East 22nd Street, Unit 2E New York, NY 10010 Reel Trading: 800 575 REEL ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]