At 18:41 28.11.95 -0600, Jeremy Butler wrote: >Bjorn, there are now several listings of film/TV/video programs on the Web. >One place to start is SCREENsite: Yes, and I have found various very good lists with e-mail and Web-adresses to nearly 2.500 schools and universities offering media worldwide. And I know it's almost an impossible task to index these lists on courses and specialities, because I'm working on that for the few media-educations in Norway (and will give you the link when finished). But still that is what my students want to know; which school teaches which subject with most resources and with best results? We will never reach an unanimous decision on that, but subjectively we can recommend our own (hopefully), or other courses we know of. Maybe another possible list on SCREENsite? For the moment I'm still looking for more places specializing in teaching and training people who want to produce music videos. Any more ideas? Bjorn Aas, TV-lecturer, Danvik Folkehogskole, N-3046 Drammen, Norway (Danvik School of Media and Communication) Tel: ..47 3283 1290 Fax: ..47 3289 1245 E-mail [log in to unmask] ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]