It is not a festival... but starting next Feb. 1996 there will be a video magazine called cineBLAST! which will be a collection of the best shorts in the US and the world. This will be first released in the US in home video. The first year there will be two editions and then it will move to four a year. The first edition will have. TOUGHT by Aiyana Elliott FISHMIND by Mattias Freier SHEEP'S MEADOW by Brooke Smith HUNGREED by Ira Israel WATCH WITH MOTHER by Sam Serafy THE SIDE OF THE ROAD by David Burris THE GIRL FROM MOUSH by Garine Torosian ZINKY BOYS GO UNDERGROUND by Paul Tickell It is edited by Gill Holland ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]