rriddle @ infi.net (Randy A. Riddle) writes: >What about laserdisk or CD-ROM "documentaries"? Prelinger's >interactive "You Can't Get There From Here", available on laserdisk >from Voyager, is a prime example of how an audio/visual presentation >medium can be used to explore the history of a topic. The "Sound in >Motion" CD-ROM that is based on the 16mm documentary about >contemporary poetry might also be interesting to explore as well. >...Inclusion of expansions (ie, video, CD-ROM, >interactive laserdisk) on the form (film) can provide students with a >look towards the future of the documentary and it's potential for >telling a story or sending a message to the viewer. Multimedia "interactive documentaries" definitely deserve a look -- they offer a whole new approach to documentary-style storytelling, and the effect can be just as engrossing and moving as film. One critically acclaimed CD-ROM is NORMANDY: THE GREAT CRUSADE. It's based on the Discovery Channel documentary of the same name, but *not* a reversioning of the television documentary (it was finished months before the show, with different material); it can be viewed as a cinema-style multimedia presentation or browsed through at will, and includes letters and diary entries, radio broadcasts, photos, movies, articles, etc. It's a good introduction to the possibilities of the medium. The CD-ROM on poetry mentioned above is POETRY IN MOTION and I think it's published by Voyager; you can get it at bookstores or from Giorno Poetry Systems in New York City. It is a reversioning of the original documentary of the same name (made in the mid-80s?) & features video readings and text of poems by famous and not-so-famous poets. Its advantage over the film is that you can go straight to what you want to see; however, it sticks to the film doc material, and is not as interactive as some other titles. PASSAGE TO VIETNAM is getting a lot of attention in the CD-ROM press now; I haven't seen it yet, but it's probably worth a look. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who's used CD-ROM documentaries or knows of others worth exploring; I also welcome discussions on the potential of interactive documentaries now & in the future, as technology evolves -- should they get more cinematic? more novelistic? Molly Olsen [log in to unmask] ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]