In article: Jung Call For Papers, "D. ALLEN SIMPSON" < writes: Please note I am just forwarding this info. from another 'net source. Please do not reply to me or the list, unless you want to start a thread. Doug Simpson >Subj: CALL FOR PAPERS >Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 10:53:29 -0500 >From: John Hollwitz <[log in to unmask]> >Organization: Creighton University, Omaha Nebraska USA > CALL FOR PAPERS, > PROPOSALS, AND PANELS: > > Jungian and Archetypal > Perspectives on Television, Film, > Music, and Popular Culture >We seek proposals for papers, panels, and workshops for an >international conference on Jungian and archetypal >approaches to popular culture, to be held at Creighton >University in Omaha, Nebraska at the beginning of June, 1996. >Papers presented at the conference will be considered for >publication in a volume devoted to the topic. >Proposals can be critical, applied, theoretical, or empirical in >nature. Topics may include the application of any area of >Jungian practice and theory to the field of popular >entertainment and culture. Panel proposals should include the >names, addresses, and afilliations of all participants, plus the >titles of their presentations. (Please include your internet >address, if you have one.) Volunteers are also sought to serve >as session moderators and respondents. >To be considered, submit two copies of papers, abstracts, or >panel summaries by January 15, 1996, to: > Dr. John Hollwitz > Jacobson Professor of Communications > Creighton University > Omaha, Nebraska 68178 > (402)280-2532 FAX: (402)280-2143 > Internet: [log in to unmask] >Sponsored by the Jacobson Chair in Communications, Creighton >University, and Chiron Publications. ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]