I, too, would like to know the whereabouts of this video. A while back I got hold of the published screenplay, and was intrigued by the preface which gave the history of the production from the viewpoint (I think) of the writer(s?). According to him/them, Scott's family and their influential connections attempted in various ways to suppress the screenplay and the film. At one stage, for instance, when they first realised that the script was not just another eulogy to a dead, upper middle-class/aristocratic colonial wasp they actually went to court in order to gain some kind of injunction against it ever being filmed. Considering the fact that, in my country at least, the "Last Place on Earth" has to my knowledge never been re-screened despite its popularity, it seems possible (at least to this conspiracy theorist) that some kind of suppression may have been effected. Maybe I should write to the ABC and inquire. I am also intrigued by the various readings of violence a la the Clockwork Orange thread. The only really violent film with which I felt comfortable with the representations of violence is the original "Robocop", which (IMO) is one of the cleverest mainstream films I've ever seen. The violence tends to be pointless, ugly and very uneroticised (eg. innocent bystanders being mown down left right and centre), and the deeply anti-violence (and generally left-wing, maybe even liberal Catholic - am I right?) satirical subtext undermines even the seductive "good guy's revenge" motif. Cleverest (perhaps) of all, was the packaging of the film (at least here) as being the typical, straight-forward shoot'em-up sci-fi. Irony, however, and even the most overt and sincere irony, is always uncertain in its effectiveness. The vast majority of film goers are congenitally unable to understand satire even when it comes at them like a locomotive, and (I suspect) a good proportion of the rest are able to overlook it in catering to their own closet sadism. The first time I saw "Robocop" I was in a small, port-side cinema, which was at least half-filled with visiting US sailors. At every moment of violence - especially the most gruesome - they waved and cheered in sheer and unadulterated red-neck delight. What hope for the world? PS: Maybe I should be posting on these subjects separately? I don't know what is cheaper or more convenient for everybody, so I'm quite happy to have this modified by our moderator. A. Chance (nonseparatist feminist socialist syncretistic pop cultural psychohistorian) University of Western Australia [log in to unmask] ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]