I have used B & C as well. It is a good deal, particularly in regard to getting the free sub. However, you are on your own regarding how to best integrate this magazine, which, like all weeklies, performs just like the energizer bunny (god- is that becomng THE cliche of the 90's or what?):: it just keeps coming and coming and coming. You need to figure out what exactly you are going to do with it, and I would suggest you use it in a regular, weekly basis. It is just chocked full of info... but unless you structure its appearance in your course, my experience is that the go-getters will read it, and the other 78% of the class won't know what to do with it, and consequently, won't utilize it as much as they could have. Also, when I had mail problems with them, their operations personnel were less than helpful. Hope this helps. Peter Gershon PGERSHON at UWF.CC.UWF.EDU ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]