Forwarded by Jeremy Butler. --------------------orgiginal message---------------------------- Author: Denis Simard <[log in to unmask]> at SMTP-LINK Date: 6/5/95 8:27 AM ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF CINEMA IN QUEBEC About two weeks ago, I had the pleasure to release a new WEB site, named "100 ans de cinema au Quebec", dedicated to the celebration of (one of!) the centenary of cinema. If you have a Web browser, you can visit us at URL: For now the site is in french, but there is a section dedicated to the celebration of centenary in the World that might interest other language people, although there's actually almost nothing in it! And that's why I would like to ask you, if you know any centenary related events in your country or know people that might have this kind of information, to let me know so that I could possibly add theses informations to our server. On the other hand, I plan to release this summer the "Domitor Web Server", dedicated to the early cinema studies. It will be a kind of expansion of the GRAFICS server (, that maybe you already know. If you have any information or any work (bibliography, index, articles, etc.) that you'd like to make public on this server, please let me know. Thank You. DENIS SIMARD | e-mail: [log in to unmask] | maison: 514-271-4136 Litterature comparee | travail: 514-343-6111 (#7858) Universite de Montreal | fax: 514-343-2393 ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]