On Sun, 28 May 1995, Carol J. Slingo wrote: > An interesting side note is that in India itself, being a movie star in early > days was off limits for Hindu women of good families, and several silent stars > of India came from the Jewish community--Sulochana (Ruby Meyers) and Ramola > are two I can remember. In that part of the world, for Muslim women, being a part of the film industry is still not considered respectable. I was married to a Pakistani and had to listen to many comments about how my area of study (television and film) was not respectable enough for a a doctor's wife. It was much easier to tell people that I was a professor and leave the subject area vague. -------------------------------------------------------------- Melissa Lee Price (Dr. Missy) | [log in to unmask] Dept. Jour/Telecom, Northwestern State University of Louisiana When the world was flat as a pancake, Mona Lisa was happy as a clam. -- John Prine ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]