----------------------------Original message---------------------------- From: Tony Williams English SIUC I've been listening to this discussion for some time. But, as our moderator proves his existence by intervening to curtail certain discussions after they'v e outrun their due time, perhaps Jeremy can now prove his existence by now intervening and calling from an end to the question as to whether he exists or not. I realize that this CAll might be taken in the biblical sense of an "unbeliever" calling on the deity to prove His presence by giving us a sign (or "Where's the Beef" - as an old T.V. ad. once went). But, it may be akin to turning the loaves and fishes into a sign providing information highway consumption and satisfaction. On a personal level, I've met Jeremy several times at SCS conferences (including the recent one) and can vouch for his existence. He is not a George Kaplan, a simulacrum, a signifier without a signified, or a manufactured virtual reality persona. However, I speak as one who has actually seen the "happy ending" of KISS ME DEADLY where Mike and Velda cower in the waves after the shot showing the house exploding which ends most American prints. The scene exists in British prints (Guess I'm starting another mailing here but one scholar has asserted that the scene does not exist). Anyway, Jeremy - give us a sign of your existence and POWER. TonyW