I sent Edwin's note on to SCREEN-L at large cuz it raises a couple of good points about identifying yourself when you send messages to SCREEN-L. These points are mentioned in the SCREEN-L Guidelines, but it's worth re-emphasizing them here... >I notice that having resumed your refereeing you have added : >[Editor's note: This message was submitted to SCREEN-L by the "Author" noted >above, not by Jeremy Butler.] >...which helps with at-a-glance ID of the writer and eliminates some >confusion in newcomers who might think tha Jeremy Butler sure is prolific >fellow. Right! The e-mail system I'm using to process mail sticks *my* (the editor/moderator's) name and address in the FROM line of each and every message. After the holiday break I'll switch to an e-mail system that doesn't cause this problem, but, until then, look at the first line of each message for the "author" of the post. >I wish some other IDs were avaiable too. On my Eudora e-mail program, when >I get a message or several from Screen-L,that is, before I open it (them), >I see "Jeremy Butler"in the column "who" (sender), the date in column >"date" and the subject in column "subject." The last one helps, but I >cannot quickly ID the writer at that point. And when I transfer some >messages to other mailboxes, say, "political films" I still cannot ID the >writers. > >Can something be done about this? When I switch mail systems in January, the original poster's name should appear in your "who" column. Also, If you'd like to have *every* person's name and e-mail address appear in the *body* of each message, you can use what LISTSERV (the software running SCREEN-L) calls "dual headers." This is handy for messages in which the person neglects to sign his/her name. You can receive dual headers by changing your SCREEN-L account. Do not send mail to [log in to unmask] to do this. Instead, send mail to [log in to unmask] and put the following in the first line of the message: set screen-l dual To get rid of dual headers: set screen-l shorthdr >Also, I am often perplexed by the various schools (or organizations) in >e-mail addresses. My own might puzzle person who do not know that >"uiuc.edu" is the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. > >Can something be done about this too? Many books on the Internet identify the domain names (like "uiuc") and translate them into real names. >And to add a suggestion, if, under subject, one can manage to be more >explicit within the length limitations,that would be welcome too. For >example instead of X putting in just "John Ford" s/he might say "John Ford >Cavalry Trilogy." Yep...descriptive subject lines are critical for discussion lists like SCREEN-L. Many folks read/delete messages based on their subject line. A descriptive subject line will help insure that your message is read by the right folks. --Jeremy SCREEN-L moderator [log in to unmask]