----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I have been following the discussion of Quentin Tarrantino and Pulp Fiction in particular and thought I should put in my bit. I'll begin by saying that I believe QT to be one of the brightest new personalities in the movie business. He is an exceptional writer and a bright director. That said I wish to respond to the posts I've been reading. I don't believe that the use of the word "nigger" is any more offensive than any form of slang or any other curse word when the use is considered. QT writes about hard people in a hyper-realistic manner. What I mean by that is that he takes stereotypes and gives them heart and personality. In doing so its necessary to use the type of language that those people use. PF would not have been effective if the characters had used PC language rather than the language which is popular on the streets and in the cultures they inhabit. I've read many mentions of the scene where QT himself uses the "n" word (I'll use the popular method of reference here) repeatedly. Some have found this offensive and understandably so, but that was part of the intention, the other part being, once again, to use the terminology that is popular in the sub-culture represented. Isn't it acceptable to protray characters in a realistic manner, rather than white-washing them to keep from offending people. Film is (or at least should be) an artistic medium, where the artist should have the freedom to express himself to his best ability. I think its much like any other art form and should be protected rather than fought against. Think about the Mapplethorp controversy if you will. Would it have been better to not show his work because some people found it offensive, or let it be seen by those who appreciated it for what it was, the honest work of the artist? Well, I don't know if I've really added anything new here, but that's my take on the subject. Steve Jackson ACTIONJ -- America Online [log in to unmask] -- Internet