----------------------------Original message---------------------------- 28th Annual Humboldt Int'l Film Festival will be held on Mar.7-11, 1995. It will highlight animation, documentary and films incorporating special effects, as well as continuing its tradition of showcasing experimental films and works by emerging film artists. Films selected by a student pre-screening committe will be judged by a panel of professional filmmakers. Previous awards included over $ 2,000 cash, film stock, memberships to film organizations. Super-8 and 16 mm films, under 60 minutes, and completed in the last three years will be accepted. Pre-screenings in Video Dubs formats, deadline: Jan. 16, 1995. For pre-screenings in Original film format, deadline: Feb.1 Entry fee: $ 30. For information and entry form contact: Humboldt Int'l Film Festival Theatre Arts Dept. Humboldt State Univ. Arcata, CA 95521-8299 Tel: 707/826-4113 Fax: 707/826-5494 ---g---