Columbia College Chicago is seeking a chairperson of film/video dept. The position is available June 1, 1995. Screen wiil begin immediately until the position is filled. The Dept. is 25 years old, emphasizes production and has a strong commitment to teaching. The Dept. serve 900+ BA students in filmmaking, Animation and Authorship. there are 15 full-time faculty, 20 staff and 50 part-time faculty. The chair provides educational vision aswell as administration and artistic leadership for a program noted for national and international achievements. Subustantial experence in film/video production; knowledgeble commitment to film education; the ability to develop relationships with the film/video industry is essential. Budgetary and fund raising skill is helpful. Offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. Submit vita and statement of teaching philosophy to: FILM/VIDEO CHAIR SEARCH HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. COLUMBIA COLLEGE 600 S. MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO, IL 60605 ---GGG