Guy: Howdy again. Can't resist this one because that issue has been zipping around this household since the Flintstones hype balloon was release and gassed its way around and around without anyone really noticing too much until it flopped limply to the ground. Like SO many of the rehashed sitcoms all over the cable networks, the sixties Bedrock family has bronto-loads of nostalgia for a simpler time (ie, when Betty and Wilma stayed home, did all the things that made Fred, Barney, and their progeny happy, and didn't ask for money for luxuries -- and never opened their "yaps" about it). Even though the women almost invariably outwit their paunchy spouses, they never cash in on their victories because they're so sweetly affected by the dumboxes that, well...let's just forget the whole thing ever happened, honey. (Beginning to sound like True Lies yet? How's about Jurassis Park? See what fearless ASA Prez Catherine Davidson says about that one in the most recent American Quarterly. Fascinating.) (Also, Celeste Olalquiaga's Megalopolis makes some great points about what all this end-of-the-millenium recycling (some revisionist, some not) means to our culture. Just a start -- not to say "everything's political" and ruin your whole day, but Flintstones (at least as far as my household was concerned) may indicate that politically speaking, American audiences really are pretty inscrutable in terms of what they'll lap up unquestioningly and what they'll equally unquestioningly reject. Points to ponder... Amy Amy Nelson Department of English Rutgers University [log in to unmask]