The video version I saw edited out the following scenes: 1) a scene in which the protag suffocates a young boy with a pillow after killing his parents. The parents' deaths were in the video--this is when the crew goes to a swanky neighborhood looking for a safe to crack, with no luck. The "dead baby boy" drinking game is more significant when viewed after the suffocation scene. Furthermore, the protag (sorry, can't remember his name), seems disgusted himself with killing the boy, something unusual for him. 2) THE climactic scene of the film, I think, in which the crew break in on a couple who are naked and in the process of making love-- or foreplay--in their apartment's dimly lit kitchen. The crew then rape the woman--the WHOLE crew, absolutely violating any pretense to remaining behind the camera, solidifying their complicity in the protag's violent actions by finally participating with him. Then there's a cut or some other transition to suggest time elapsing, and the camera pans over the woman's disemboweled body on the table and shows the crew lying around sated on the floor. Certainly it's a different film without these scenes. My store had the edited version housed in the comedy section. Susan Crutchfield