I'm afraid I don't have any Nancy Kerrigan jokes to share (unfortunately). Since the Olympics is a current thread on this list I'll use it as a forum to express my outrage. Couldn't Kerrigan have had the decency to wait until the Olympics were over before selling out to the Big Mouse? What the heck was she doing at Disney World on the day of the closing ceremonies? What about those high minded Olympic ideals that she supposedly exemplifes (the same ideals the supposedly evil Tonya violated)? Kerrigan has not only shown herself to be greedy but also an ungracious runner up. Torvill and Dean were robbed. Kerrigan came in second in a fair contest. Why isn't Bonnie Blair, a truly great athlete, getting $$$ million in endorsements? And Blair went to the closing ceremonies, too. Mary Kalfatovic, Washington, D.C.