Other places you could find Holland's article on Kuleshov are South Atlantic Quarterly 88.2 (1989):416-442 and in his book _The Critical I_ (Columbia UP, $9.95). Best, +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Norman N. Holland Marston-Milbauer Professor of English | | University of Florida Gainesville FL 32611 Tel: (904) 377-0096 | | BITNET: nnh@nervm INTERNET: [log in to unmask] | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ P.S. Cal Pryluck might find some solutions to the variable results in experimental re-runs of Kuleshov if he looked at the effect from the spectator's point of view. I.e., salience and speed of montage vary with who is looking at it and how. Rather than regard Kul. as an "effect" as in cause-and-effect, how about thinking of it as connections spectators make? Then a lot of the issues become simpler. Best, NNH