E L E C T R O N I C M E S S A G E Date: 01-Jun-1993 10:22am EDT From: Stephen Hart HARTS2 Level: Post-secondary/University Tel No: 904-644-4839 TO: Remote Addressee ( _jnet%screen-l@ua1vm ) TO: Remote Addressee ( _jnet%Filmus-l@iubvm ) Subject: movie music question Here's a question from a Music Library Association list participant. If anyone can answer the question, please send your response to the address below. Stephen Hart HARTS2@firnvx E L E C T R O N I C M E S S A G E Date: 01-Jun-1993 08:18am EDT From: Randye L. Jones JONESR Level: Post-Secondary/University Tel No: 904/644-4839 TO: Stephen Hart ( HARTS2 ) Subject: movie question this was sent from mla-l, but it's a movie question E L E C T R O N I C M E S S A G E Date: 26-May-1993 12:12pm EDT From: Music Library Association Mail [log in to unmask]@SM TP@FIRNVX Level: Tel No: TO: Multiple recipients of list MLA-L ( [log in to unmask]@SMTP@FIR NVX ) Subject: Muscial Question I am not subscribed to your list; but have a musical question. In watching a movie "Object of Desire" copyrighted 1991 with some parts in 1989 by Filmirage, Inc., there was a song done by the "lead" actress and played throughout (Blue Angels or Blue Angels Never Cease to Fly). I am trying to locate a copy of that song. Of course, it's not even mentioned in the credits. The movie was on Showtime, I think Private Screenings may be the distributor. The music was credited to Pahamian and the music editing to IDRA Music, Inc. Can anybody give me a lead. Please respond directly to me at my internet address ([log in to unmask]) which also appears in my signature. Thank you in advance for your help. Connie J. Neuman, Library Services Minnesota Department of Health 717 Delaware St SE, PO Box 9441 Minneapolis, MN 55440-9441 612-623-5091 FAX: 612-623-5385 Internet: [log in to unmask]