E L E C T R O N I C M E S S A G E Date: 07-Jun-1993 03:28pm EDT From: Stephen Hart HARTS2 Level: Post-secondary/University Tel No: 904-644-4839 TO: Remote Addressee ( _jnet%screen-l@ua1vm ) Subject: foreign films on video Can someone help this gentlemen (see below)? I assume he wants a US supplier, though he may be able to contact a foreign supplier. His email address is below. Stephen Hart HARTS2@firnvx E L E C T R O N I C M E S S A G E Date: 07-Jun-1993 12:19pm EDT From: Randye L. Jones JONESR Level: Post-Secondary/University Tel No: 904/644-4839 TO: Stephen Hart ( HARTS2 ) Subject: film on vhs question steve, do you think that someone on one of your lists can handle this? randye E L E C T R O N I C M E S S A G E Date: 07-Jun-1993 10:46am EDT From: Music Library Association Mail [log in to unmask]@SM TP@FIRNVX Level: Tel No: TO: Multiple recipients of list MLA-L ( [log in to unmask]@SMTP@FIR NVX ) Subject: movies on VHS My apologies for a off-topic question: Can anyone point me towards a supplier of foreign films on VHS cassettes (i.e. those that will play on a standard US videotape machine), and especially toward a supplier of Italian films without subtitles? Thanks, Tom Tom Moore, Music Listening Library, Princeton University STMOORE AT PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU 609-258-4250