* Dear Mark Bunster: * Roger Moore is an actor who portrayed "James Bond". Roger Smith is the * GM of Ford and the invisible character in "Roger And Me". Or did you mean * it to come out that way? I think you confused Roger Smith with the filmmaker * of this movie, Michael Moore. It's Ok, for many years I called Bruce * Springstein, Bruce Feinstein. Go figure. * * paradoxically yours; michael k. * duh--yeah, Michael Moore. So much for being pithy. And I think Feinstein was his actual name. His mother will never forgive him for changing it. -- Mark Bunster | Hassan Chop! mersh is available! Survey Research Lab--VCU | cassettes, shirts, stickers, etc. Richmond, VA 23220 |You'll never see a fish head in an [log in to unmask] |Italian restaurant, drinking (804) ELK-O-COP |Cappucino with an Oriental woman.