In Regards to your letter <[log in to unmask]>: > > In terms of structure, I see _Laugh In_ as an intermediate step between > Kovacs and _Saturday Night Live_, and as such is a logical extension > of the blackout comedy of Vaudeville. Not that this puts it up > very high on the evolutionary scale, but it fills a particular need for > an audience. Considerating that at the time it was shown it was a hit! I remember the next day in school kids recalling parts of the show all the time. Around 1968 as the special mentioned it was a very hard time in the US for many people and Laugh-In was a great distraction. I personally always thought of the show as a comic strip with real people instead of cartoons for the most part. Although, if you do too much anaylsis of the show you are bound not to find it funny. David [log in to unmask] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ David A. Roth Music [log in to unmask] Post Office Box 1082 From CompuServ: Westerville, Ohio 43081-1082 send >internet:[log in to unmask] U.S.A. Telephone: (614) 890-7684 ( 24-Hour Voice/Fax ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------