Communications Daily, January 19, 1993 CLINTON WHITE HOUSE TO MAKE DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE ELECTRONICALLY BODY: Carrying through successful campaign operation, Clinton Administration this week will become first White House to set up office dedicated to making official Presidential documents available electronically for widespread distribution. There has been limited distribution of White House press information in past through now-defunct Dialcom, but nothing on scale that Clinton staff is contemplating. Clinton transition effort has named Jonathan Gill as dir. of Electronic Publishing and Public Access E-mail. Gill, software developer from Medford, Mass., signed onto Clinton campaign as electronic mail coordinator. He originally worked from home, later moved to Little Rock as demands on system became more intense. At one point, Clinton E-mail operation was answering 5,000 queries daily, most sent out automatically. Gill will work in White House Office of Communications with Jeff Eller, who was named deputy asst. to President and dir.-Media Affairs. Eller is credited with moving electronic computer communications for first time into mainstream of political campaigns.